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Interface: AuthConfig


Configure the Auth method.


import Auth, { type AuthConfig } from "@auth/core"

export const authConfig: AuthConfig = {...}

const request = new Request("")
const resposne = await AuthHandler(request, authConfig)





β€’ providers: Provider<Profile>[]

List of authentication providers for signing in (e.g. Google, Facebook, Twitter, GitHub, Email, etc) in any order. This can be one of the built-in providers or an object with a custom provider.




β€’ Optional adapter: Adapter

You can use the adapter option to pass in your database adapter.


β€’ Optional callbacks: Partial<CallbacksOptions<Profile, Account>>

Callbacks are asynchronous functions you can use to control what happens when an action is performed. Callbacks are extremely powerful, especially in scenarios involving JSON Web Tokens as they allow you to implement access controls without a database and to integrate with external databases or APIs.


β€’ Optional cookies: Partial<CookiesOptions>

You can override the default cookie names and options for any of the cookies used by NextAuth.js. You can specify one or more cookies with custom properties, but if you specify custom options for a cookie you must provide all the options for that cookie. If you use this feature, you will likely want to create conditional behavior to support setting different cookies policies in development and production builds, as you will be opting out of the built-in dynamic policy.

  • ⚠ This is an advanced option. Advanced options are passed the same way as basic options, but may have complex implications or side effects. You should try to avoid using advanced options unless you are very comfortable using them.



β€’ Optional debug: boolean

Set debug to true to enable debug messages for authentication and database operations.

  • ⚠ If you added a custom logger, this setting is ignored.




β€’ Optional events: Partial<EventCallbacks>

Events are asynchronous functions that do not return a response, they are useful for audit logging. You can specify a handler for any of these events below - e.g. for debugging or to create an audit log. The content of the message object varies depending on the flow (e.g. OAuth or Email authentication flow, JWT or database sessions, etc), but typically contains a user object and/or contents of the JSON Web Token and other information relevant to the event.



β€’ Optional jwt: Partial<JWTOptions>

JSON Web Tokens are enabled by default if you have not specified an adapter. JSON Web Tokens are encrypted (JWE) by default. We recommend you keep this behaviour.


β€’ Optional logger: Partial<LoggerInstance>

Override any of the logger levels (undefined levels will use the built-in logger), and intercept logs in NextAuth. You can use this option to send NextAuth logs to a third-party logging service.


// /pages/api/auth/[...nextauth].js
import log from "logging-service"
export default NextAuth({
logger: {
error(code, ...message) {
log.error(code, message)
warn(code, ...message) {
log.warn(code, message)
debug(code, ...message) {
log.debug(code, message)
  • ⚠ When set, the debug option is ignored




β€’ Optional pages: Partial<PagesOptions>

Specify URLs to be used if you want to create custom sign in, sign out and error pages. Pages specified will override the corresponding built-in page.



  pages: {
signIn: '/auth/signin',
signOut: '/auth/signout',
error: '/auth/error',
verifyRequest: '/auth/verify-request',
newUser: '/auth/new-user'


β€’ Optional secret: string

A random string used to hash tokens, sign cookies and generate cryptographic keys. If not specified, it falls back to AUTH_SECRET or NEXTAUTH_SECRET from environment variables. To generate a random string, you can use the following command:

On Unix systems: openssl rand -hex 32 Or go to


β€’ Optional session: Partial<SessionOptions>

Configure your session like if you want to use JWT or a database, how long until an idle session expires, or to throttle write operations in case you are using a database.


β€’ Optional theme: Theme

Changes the theme of built-in pages.


β€’ Optional trustHost: boolean



β€’ Optional useSecureCookies: boolean

When set to true then all cookies set by NextAuth.js will only be accessible from HTTPS URLs. This option defaults to false on URLs that start with http:// (e.g. http://localhost:3000) for developer convenience. You can manually set this option to false to disable this security feature and allow cookies to be accessible from non-secured URLs (this is not recommended).

  • ⚠ This is an advanced option. Advanced options are passed the same way as basic options, but may have complex implications or side effects. You should try to avoid using advanced options unless you are very comfortable using them.

The default is false HTTP and true for HTTPS sites.